Jimmy Acree

Jimmy Acree (Pastor Jimmy) has served as pastor of the Bacon’s Castle family since September of 1987. Fresh out of seminary, he returned to the area where God brought him and this church together. There was actually only one week between the former pastor’s leaving and Jimmy beginning to preach.

Jimmy is a graduate of Ferrum College and Columbia International University. He had completed his course work for a DMin from Liberty University though still lacks to complete his dissertation.

Raised in Latin America, Jimmy is fluent in Spanish and loves to practice his Español!

He and his wife Anne have six grown children spread out across the country. Jimmy enjoys motorcycle riding and enjoying the company of friends, both old and new.

Michael Tuck

Michael Tuck serves as our associate pastor here at Bacon’s Castle. He previously served at Lawndale Baptist Church for 6 years as the worship and music associate. Michael was raised in Roanoke, VA and went to Liberty University where he met his wonderful wife Kelley. Michael is a graduate of Liberty University.

He enjoys being with his family, photography, technology and hanging with people.

Beverly Mann

Beverly Mann has served as our church secretary for over 25 years and from the very beginning we knew we had a keeper. Beverly is known around here as a servant who is not afraid to do anything and everything. The scuttlebutt around the church is if you want anything done, go to Beverly!

Beverly is married to her husband of over 50 years, Rick, and they have one daughter, Linda, one son-in-law, Joe, and one grandson, Alexander, who is the apple of their eye.