The nursery ministry at Bacon’s Castle is of utmost importance to us. We have excellent leadership and a very capable staff of workers whose primary concern is the well being and safety of your child while in our nurseries. We want you to enter your Sunday morning small group or worship time free from worry and concern for your little one. To accomplish this, we have divided our nurseries by age and all our young people who assist in the nurseries are given childcare training.
When a child is placed in our nurseries, as his or her parents or guardian, you will be asked for cell phone number in case you are needed we can contact you immediately and discreetly.
Loving care givers provide care during all regularly scheduled services of the church and during Sunday morning Bible fellowship time. We try to have each of our nurseries staffed with at least two care givers fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled service. You will be asked to complete a form providing the nursery care givers information about your child including his or her health needs and the designated persons to get your child at the end of the service.
Newborns and Babies
We have a special nursery just for infants. Just bring along your baby, diapers, bag, and a bottle of milk or juice and we will provide loving care while you attend the service of your choice. Diapers are changed as needed and a least once during each service. Puffs are provided when you indicate your child can have them.

Your two year old child will be with other two year olds where they will be read a Bible story and have coloring and other activities. Toys, games, puzzles, chalk board, dolls and housekeeping centers encourage cooperative play. We do encourage parents to leave their child’s personal toys at home. Toilet facilities and assistance are also available for your child during/after potty training. Your child and belongings will be tagged for identification should your child bring a bottle or sipper cup. Animal crackers are shared at snack time.
We do not use physical forms of discipline. If discipline is needed, your child will be asked to sit in “time out” for a few minutes. If problems persist your help will be requested.
For your child’s safety the bottom half of the nursery doors will remain secured and your child will remain in the nursery until picked up at the door by you or another designated person.
Three Year Olds
Your three year old attends a Sunday School class for a Bible story, songs, crafts and activities. After Sunday School they are encouraged to attend the first part of the morning worship with you until released to go to children’s church during the message time. Some three year olds return to the nursery after Sunday school and remain there until time for children’s church—the choice is yours.
At special functions we do try to provide a nursery for children up to three or you are welcome to keep them with you.

Thank you for trusting us with your children and we will do everything we can to guard that confidence. We want to know if you have any problems or concerns about the care your child receives while in our charge.
If you have any questions not addressed, please feel free to talk with anyone on the Nursery Ministry Leadership Team by calling the church office to request that one of them call you back.
Click here to read our Child Protection Policy