
Our Mission


At Bacon’s Castle Baptist Church, we are united as the family of God by our commitment:
“Our church family exists to glorify God by making disciples who live holy lives and sacrificially love others.”


What To Expect


Wear What You Want

We want to make sure you feel comfortable. No suit and tie needed, come casual or dressed up.
Either way, you are welcome.

Church Family

Come be a part of a family and not just a group of people. We are always looking forward to welcoming people into the family.


Our music is contemporary and we are often introducing new songs. However, we also seek to blend in hymns and older songs as well.


A message is shared for about 45 minutes that will encourage and strength your faith.

Service Length

Typically the service lasts about one and a half hours. We begin at 10:30 a.m. and try to end right at noon.


When you come in, you can grab yourself a cup of coffee or a cup of tea; whichever you prefer. We want to make sure that you feel welcomed.


What We Believe
Six Essential Beliefs



We believe that God exists eternally in three persons; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that these three are one God. As God He is righteous and just but also merciful and kind. He is all powerful, all loving, always present and all wise. We believe that He is the absolute and sole creator of the universe and that He reigns with providential care over His universe even today. We believe that God, by His sovereign choice and out of love for men, sent Jesus the Christ into the world to save sinners. Jesus, the eternal Son of God, became a man without ceasing to be God; He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and was born of a virgin and He lived a sinless life.

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus voluntarily offered Himself as a substitu¬tionary sacrifice, that he was crucified, died as a penalty for our sins, was buried and was raised from the dead bodily on the third day. Later he ascended to the Father’s right hand where He is head of the church and intercedes for believers. Because we believe that by the death of Jesus, through His shed blood, He made a perfect recompense for sin, we believe that the salvation He offers, with its forgiveness of sins and its hope of eternal life, is entirely apart from good works, baptism, church membership or man’s effort, and is of pure grace.

Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person, that He also is God, and possesses all the divine attributes. He convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment and He brings new life to those who have trusted in Jesus. He indwells all believers, baptizes and seals them, bestows spiritual gifts upon them, and fills them in response to confession of sin and repentance.

The Bible

One of the foundational truths that we believe as a church is that the Bible is the Word of God. We believe that it was inspired by God so that it was without error when God originally gave it and preserved by God so that it is a divinely authoritative standard for every age and every life.


 We believe that each person must personally and specifically repent of their sin and by faith make a decision to trust in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of their sin. Such a commitment to Jesus will demonstrate itself in a changed life.

Spiritual Gifts

 We believe that spiritual gifts are given by God the Holy Spirit for the building up the body of Christ (Eph.4:16ff, 1 Cor.12:7) however we reject the idea that any particular gift will be given to all or even that we should expect everyone to have any particular gift. (1 Cor.12:11-12, 27-30). Instead, we believe that God gifts people according to how He wills and how He sees a need in the body. (1 Cor.12:11) We believe that the marks of maturity and godliness are the fruit of the Spirit exercised with godliness (Gal.5:16-26) and we reject the idea that the gift of tongues, or any other particular gift, is evidence of spiritual maturity or godliness. (1 Cor.3:1-3, 12:11)




Joel Calfee

Joel grew up in Athens, West Virginia in a Christian home where he professed Jesus as Lord of his life in August 2010. It was at his home church that Joel felt the leading of the Lord and surrendered to full time vocational ministry.

Joel attended Bluefield University where he obtained bachelor’s degrees in pastoral ministries and sports management. He met his wife, Megan, at Bluefield and they were married in 2015.

Megan is from Yorktown and was saved at age 6 at Summit Christian Academy, where she attended K-12th grade. She has her bachelor’s degree in English with a teacher licensure and a master’s degree in education.

After graduation, the Calfees returned to Joel’s home church where he worked as the youth pastor from 2015-2017. In 2017, the Lord saw fit to move Joel and Megan to Fincastle, where they began ministering at Camp Eagle. Joel was hired as the program director and later transitioned to the role of assistant director and the Associate Pastor for Camp Ministries & Camp Director.

Megan homeschools their son, Andrew (1st grade), loves playing dress up with Esther and snuggling with Elias. She also manages her media and marketing company from home.

The Calfees have three children: Andrew (7), Esther (4) & Elias (1).

Michael Tuck

Michael Tuck is our Associate Pastor at Bacon’s Castle. Before joining us, he faithfully served for six years as the Worship and Music Associate at Lawndale Baptist Church. A native of Roanoke, VA, Michael’s journey led him to Liberty University, where he earned his worship and music ministry degree and met his wonderful wife, Kelley.

He loves spending quality time with his family, including his wife Kelley and their four beautiful daughters. In addition to family time, he enjoys capturing moments through photography, exploring the latest in technology, and connecting with people. His warm and approachable nature makes him a cherished member of our community.

Jenny Sommerfeld

Jenny started working as our church’s administrative assistant in the Spring of 2022. Jenny is married to her husband of over 20 years, Evan, and they have twin daughters, Eleanor and Mary. She is a Virginia Tech graduate and comes from Giles County, Virginia, an Appalachian Trail community. Surry became home in 2011 when she became Ranger of Pipsico Scout Reservation. In 2017 God shook up their lives, moved them to Florida, and then back home again to Pipsico in 2020 but this time with Evan as Ranger.




Jamey Cowan

Jamey and his wife Nancy have been a part of Bacon’s Castle since January of 2004 and three years later he began serving with us on our elder team.  Jamey and Nancy have two grown children, Darin and Meagan and he works for Dominion Power at the Surry Nuclear Plant.  Jamey also serves as our worship leader on Sundays.  He enjoys golfing and fishing.

Matt Washam

When Matt graduated from the University of Tennessee he moved to Surry to give leadership to a local Baptist camp. A follower of Jesus since his youth, he became a part of the Castle family back in 2008 and in 2012 he married his wife Meredith, a daughter of our church. Today they have six children, Sam, Adah, Alice, Silas, and twins Adelaide and Annette. Matt left the directorship of the camp and today is doing something he’s wanted to do for a number of years—he’s a farmer! Matt enjoys just about anything that has to do with being outdoors.

Our Leadership: Biblical Eldership

The leadership of our church family is invested in a plurality of men we call our elders.  More and more churches, including Baptist churches, are embracing the Biblical teaching that the church is to be led by not just one elder, the pastor, but by a group of men set aside as an elder team.   Our pastor serves as the leader for the elder team, but our church is led by all our elders together.

What Is An Elder?

According to 1 Timothy 3:1-7, 1 Timothy 5:17-22, and Titus 1:5-9, God appoints elders to pastor the church as a leadership team.  Through out the New Testament the terms Elders, Pastors and Overseers are often used interchangeably of the same office so elders are to pastor and oversee.  Specifically the Bible says that elders are responsible to provide leadership to the church by visiting the sick, judging doctrinal issues, teaching, preaching, protecting, exhorting, and praying.

Who Are The Elders At Bacon’s Castle?

Our pastor is a vocational elder. That is, he is supported full time by the church.  The rest of our elder team are non-vocational.  Together, under the Lord Jesus, our elders lead us.

Are All Those Who Serve As Pastors At Bacon’s Castle Also Elders?

No. We have two vocational pastors who also care for and lead with the other elders.  However, we believe men can serve as assistant pastors without serving as elders. They will also provide valuable leadership.

What Do The Elders Believe?

Our elders are in agreement with our constitution and our doctrinal statement.

What Are The Qualifications For Elders?

The qualifications for an Elder are listed in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.  A church Elder shall be: “…above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to much wine or pugnacious, but gentle, uncontentious, free from the love of money, good manager of his household, not a new convert, having a good reputation outside the church, having children who believe, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled…”

Elders serving at the church meet the above qualifications. They are not perfect men but they are spiritual men, demonstrating a Spirit-filled life and a consistent walk with Jesus. They are men who have strong prayer lives, are committed to the authority of Scripture and have a witnessing lifestyle.

More information about our elders and their relationship to the church can be found in our constitution.