Love One Another – John 13:31-35

  1. Love is a verb.
    1. We love by our actions.

5 Ways We Demonstrate Love

  1. We demonstrate love by caring for one another’s needs even to our own hurt – Phil 2:2-4
    1. We give resources to meet lack.
    2. We give time
    3. We give emotional support
    4. We need to sacrificially lift others
  2. We demonstrate love when we freely give forgiveness to others when we are wronged
    1. Refuses to close others out
    2. It takes the initiative
    3. Says no to getting even
    4. Doesn’t keep bringing it up
  3. We demonstrate love when we seek forgiveness from others when we have wronged them.
    1. Go—take the initiative
    2. Don’t make excuses
    3. Don’t talk about their wrong
    4. Make the relationship the priority
    5. Ask God for the humility of heart
  4. We demonstrate love when we refuse to gossip or speak negatively towards someone.
    1. Proverbs 6
    2. Romans 1:29
    3. 2 Timothy 3:1-3
    4. Proverbs 20:19
    5. Believe the best
    6. Not passing on negative stuff
    7. Refuses even to listen
    8. Repent Quickly
    9. Speak positively
    10. Let’s believe the best
  5. We demonstrate love when we choose to spend time together.
    1. The price of a relationship is time

Truly choose love!

Jimmy AcreeAuthor posts

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Jimmy Acree (Pastor Jimmy) has served as lead pastor elder of the Bacon’s Castle family since September of 1987. Fresh out of seminary, he returned to the area where God brought him and this church together. There was actually only one week between the former pastor’s leaving and Jimmy beginning to preach.Jimmy is a graduate of Ferrum College and Columbia International University. He had completed his course work for a DMin from Liberty University though still lacks to complete his dissertation.Raised in Latin America, Jimmy is fluent in Spanish and loves to practice his Español!He and his wife Anne have six grown children spread out across the country. Jimmy enjoys motorcycle riding and enjoying the company of friends, both old and new.

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