“We exist to lead people to Jesus…”
As a church family, Bacon’s Castle believes we have an obligation to not only reach our community but to seek to reach our world. Jesus told us to go into our local communities but he also said we’d be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. There are a number of ways we are trying to have an influence on our world.

We Pray
Someone once said, “There is much we can do after we pray but there is nothing we should do until we pray.” We believe we must support our missionaries and those who are going to remote places around the world to tell others about Jesus, by praying for them. There are four specific couples we pray for regularly along with numerous others who go out from Bacon’s Castle itself. We meet weekly to pray and we often pray for specific needs during our Sunday morning worship service.
We Give
Jesus called us to support those who go, so we give financially to help reach the world. Bacon’s Castle gives ten percent of our budget directly to help in missions. On top of that, we challenge our members to give specifically and sacrificially, above what they give to support Bacon’s Castle itself, to help reach the world.

We Go
We pray, we give, and we go. Bacon’s Castle is committed to taking short term mission trips to touch the world personally. So far we have been to Trinidad, Mexico, Central Asia, Asia and The Middle East. We have also seen several young people go for longer periods of time. One young lady has served in South Korea and another has served on the Mercy Ships in Africa. We have also seen several young people go for longer periods of time to places like Russia, South Korea and Taiwan as well as some serve on the Mercy Ship and on the Logos Hope.